
TxPipe RFCs

The "RFC" (request for comments) process is intended to provide an open, organized location to discuss changes to TxPipe tools an libraries. The end goal is to provide all stakeholders with a mechanism for participation and visibility on the direction of the project.

Small changes, including bug fixes, documentation, small refactorings, etc, can be implemented and reviewed via the normal GitHub pull request workflow, without the need for a RFC.

Some changes though are "substantial", and we ask that these be presented through a PR to this repository, which should include a markdown document describing the proposal. The idea will be open to discussion by any interested member of the community. Acceptance of the proposal will require a final approval of the code owners.

Submit Procedure

Everyone is welcome to submit RFCs and participate in existing ones. To submit a new RFC:

  1. Fork the RFC repo RFC repository (opens in a new tab)
  2. Copy 0000-template.mdx to pages/0000-my-title.mdx (where "my-title" is descriptive). Don't assign an RFC number yet; This is going to be the PR number.
  3. Write the document and fill in the blanks.
  4. Submit a pull request. Use the issue number of the PR to update your 0000- prefix to that number.
  5. Initial review takes place, which consists in a quick evaluation of the topic's merit and scope.
  6. The PR is merged and content is published to https://rfcs.txpipe.io (opens in a new tab)
  7. The feedback period beigns, any member can submit an issue to the repository describing questions, concerns or improvements.

Active RFCs

0001Pallas AddressesDone
0002Dolos: Data NodeFeedback
0004dApp ToplogiesDraft
????WebAssembly as Oura sinkPlanned
????Kelley: Cardano Kubernetes OperatorsPlanned
????Pallas Upstream cratePlanned
????Deprecate "Oura as a library" approachPlanned